Saturday, August 14, 2010
Uh, excuse me?
I've literally put in about 10 hours worth of overtime this week (pro bono) and actually went into the office today (which is in fact a Saturday) to "catch up on some stuff." I think I'm turning into my father. This is all coming as a shock to me. Not even a month ago, my day consisted of archiving old reports while watching Michael Moore documentaries in another window. It seems that as soon as the other summer students left on their own adventures, people have nowhere else to turn for "cheap and effective" labour.
I'm definitely not complaining though. I hate being stressed, but after the always-a-dull-moment summer I've been having, it's kinda refreshing to feel like you're unravelling a little. Will keep you posted...
Monday, August 9, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
August is here.
August 4th: Folk Fest Opener--Van Morrison at Gallagher Park
August 5th: Work Roadtrip--Driving down to Central Alberta to draw pictures of contaminated sites... =/
August 5th-8th: We Be Jammin'--Folk Festing (for free) all weekend
Augsut 7th: R.I.P. PHIL 145--Early morning final exam at NAIT
August 7th: Second Nighthawks Shift---My reunion with my bed made of a patio chair and a stack mik-crates
August 14th: The Longest Night--Third and final Nighthawks shift
August 24th: 21 Candles
August 26th: Gagaloo--The Monster Ball Tour hits Edmonton =)
August 27th: My Very Last TGIF--Summer work is ovahhh!
August 27th: YEG to YYJ--My epic B.C. roadtrip starts with Victoria.
August 28th: Surfs Up!--Tofino for the weekend.
August 30th: Road Trippin'--The drive back to Edmontown makes a few stops in Vancouver and Kelowna.
September 4th: SONIC BOOM--Weezer, the Arkells, Cold War Kids, Rise Against, and Mother Mother
Septbember 5th: YEG to YYZ--Return to trip to my lovely T.O.
Septbember 7th: Possible mini-trip to NYC??
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Lametastic July
I keep having to tell myself, "You know, Marc, when Lauren Conrad interned at Teen Vogue, she didn't get to do anything fun." It does make me feel better, until I remember one of those lame episodes of the Hills where she gets to work backstage at Teen Vogue's L.A. Fashion Week Party or Prada's Spring Runway Show. Well, these trips to the Arctic are my runway shows. It's literally the only reason I wanted this job. Luckily, in the next couple of weeks, I'll have the even more incredible opportunity of watching everyone else arrange their Canadian North flights on Carlson Wagonlit, while they ask me to book them some ATV's or a couple helicopter trips. Then, I'll get the even more rare experience of creeping all of their Facebook photos and hearing all their stories about the polar bears and inuit tribes they encountered and how it caused them to have such a great epiphany that they've decided to pursue a career in Social Work or Natural Resources Management, all while we enjoy some delicious Wok that their overtime pay could easily cover two-hundred times over. Life's just not fair.
Anyhow, tonight is my first shift of NighHawk overnight security at the Folk Fest grounds. It should be a lot of fun, as long as I can manage to stay up for the entire twelve hours and not get sick of the person I'm volunteering with.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Then, I figured, seeing as I was already going to be late for the third day in a row, the least I could do was get my morning cup of Pike to make this miserable day slightly more enjoyable. Of course, when God is on a revenge streak, he doesn’t stop at 7:30 in the morning. I got stuck with the new girl, or Barista-in-training, at Starbucks, who interpreted "no room for cream" as a half-full cup of coffee. Being in a pissy mood already, the last thing I wanted to do was complain. So I just left, figuring I could top it off at work with some of that nasty Van Houtte “Hawaiian Islands” blend that they’ve overstocked in my break room.
AND THEN, after arriving at work at the punctual time of 8:20, I received an email from Accounts Payable letting me know that my mega-expense claim, the one that literally took me an hour to put together, was rejected. Apparently, I forgot to subtract a $2.00 charitable donation from one my receipts.
Gah, I knew I would regret donating to Wal-mart’s Special Olympics Fund…..
OH AND THEN, to make myself feel better, I made the fully rational decision to binge on the leftover pastries that the Friday Donut Club didn’t feel like eating. Helloo, Tubsy....

Thursday, July 15, 2010
How the Other Half Copes
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Feeling a Little Psychotic
Monday, July 12, 2010
Just Another Day at the Office....
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Bitches Runnin' Wild
Monday, July 5, 2010
Back in Action
The past week has been a whirlwind. I've literally been busy every night since last Sunday, and have hardly had the time to breathe, let alone work on my Philosophy course (on that note, whoever said first-year Philosophy was a joke was seriously delusional). I was fortunate to catch up with a lot of people that I haven't seen in a longgg time, and rack up a $500 credit card balance from buying coffee and skinny jeans. I even took a 4-day break from the borg and ditched the city with a dozen friends from high school to do some serious camping/drinking/swimming in hypothermic lake water.
I've decided to take it slow for awhile, so this week will be super laze...
P.S: Reading Google News this morning, I was a little envious to see that the Queen is visiting Waterloo today, during the four months that I'm not there. First, it was Stephen Hawking and now this???
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Les P'tits Canards, Part 2
While Downtown T.O. burns to the ground, there was a small victory in my hometown on Friday. Syncrude was found guilty for the deaths of 1,600 ducks that took a dip in one of their tailings ponds! Now, the company could face $800,000 in fines (chump change for any oil conglomerate) OR 6 months in prison for company executives.
Personally, I think the second option sounds fairly attractive!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Since I started studying for my GRE, I kinda realized: how am I ever going to do well in grad school, or even enjoy it, when I hate reading? I decided I needed to started reading for fun again! It couldn't be that bad? Then, while at the U of A a few weeks ago, I was drawn to this Lionel Shriver novel on their clearance rack called We Need to Talk About Kevin. Without reading the book jacket, I impulsively decided to buy it.
It's probably the best decision I've made in a long time! The book is about this mother writing letters to her estranged husband about their son, who killed 10 people at his high school. It's pretty grim, but really says a lot about parenthood and how we treat our young people. In the last couple of days, I've put off my summer school assignment just so I could finish reading the final 100 pages, which were AMAZING!!! After celebrating this great accomplishment (yeah, I pretty much read at a grade 6 level...) I couldn't stop thinking about the book and Wiki'ed it during a lull at work. If things didn't get any better, they're turning it into a movie now! Finally, I get to be the one who relishes in telling people that "the book was just so much better than the movie." I can't wait!!

Like, ohmygosh?! I totally pictured Tilda Swinton as Eva Katchadourian....
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Word of the Day
A store where you can buy a shot gun, ammunition, a ski mask, a baseball bat, a meat cleaver and a chainsaw, but you can't buy a CD that has a "Parental Advisory" sticker.
Shit in Gear, Part 2
Seeing as I'm not a novelist, that pretty much limits me to Scrapbooking. Yes, I've decided to make a scrapbook. But, I'm not just making your average everyday scrapbook for a trip to Calgary or my first baby (*shudders*), I've decided to make a scrapbook for the first 20 years of my life! I'm obsessed with self-reflection and self-improvement, or any other motivational word with the prefix "self," and I figured that this would be a fun way to put my self-love into action!
On top of that, I sorta made a mini-to do list for the rest of the summer:
1) Finish my GRE for Dummies.
2) Save $10,000 (this one's gonna be a bitch...I may have to start blow-counting again)
3) Lose 2 pounds.
4) Go to Vegas!!!!!!!!11
5) Plan a trip to NYC for September! This one is my favourite! I originally wanted to slip off for a week to wash oil off of shorebirds on the Mississippi Delta, but figured it wouldn't be as glamourous as I had imagined, so I've decided that I'm going to treat myself to a mini-vacation in the Big Apple before school starts. Originally, I had to stay home because of other commitments and miss Frosh Week, but now I have the whole week to myself! So I figured, why not spend some of that $10,000 I saved? =)
And finally, 6) Find lodging in Brisbane (that's what Australian people call housing ;) )
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Moolah Moolah Moolah

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Late Registration
Simply put, I haven't had the best of luck registering in classes: I've take twice as many first-year courses as I'm allowed to (meaning at least one extra term), I always fight to get into a 6th course only to drop it after the first week of classes and, most importantly, I have this obsession with scheduling days off. I actually haven't had a 5-day week of classes since high school. This awesome setup has come at a cost though. Rather than taking classes that I'm genuinely interested in or might benefit me in my career, I've taken exciting courses like The Fundamentals of Drawing (alright kids, lets draw some more naked 50-year olds), Freight Planning (trucks or trains?), Stormwater Management (there's too much shit in our water), and my personal favourite, Social Psychology in Everyday Life (too much for words...whoever said the Arts were easy never sat through one of these lectures).
My intense scheduling, along with my waffling over specializations, minors and other buzz-words to add to my diploma, I've managed to screw up all the hard work my advisor put into making me a simple plan to finish my degree in 3 years. On top of that, I'm going to Brisbane for school this year (ch'yeaaa)! Probably the only downside to Australia is that school there is really lax. They take 4-courses a term and mostly have 3-year degrees, meaning most of courses I'm taking only transfer over as first or second-year courses, which I definitely have more than enough of.
Yesterday, I was telling a project engineer about my colourful year at school and he asked me the question I absolutely loathe hearing: "When are you gonna be finished?" He then began to glare wildly when I told him that I wasn't really sure when I'd be graduating. Oh sorry, I didn't realize there was suddenly a stigma attached to enjoying my youth...
In reality, it makes me restless to not know when I'll be finished my undergrad, to not be able to make plans or try to envision where I'll be in two years. But I'm trying to keep it all in perspective. I have the rest of my life to slave away at a 9-to-5, what difference does one year make?

P.S: Random pet peeve-- I hate when I decide to spend my lunch break lurking blogs and the only ones I come across are about Catholic families or new babies.
Friday, June 4, 2010

Can you say midnight screening with a theatre full of 12-year olds?
If you're bored and need a good laugh, I strongly suggest you check out Hyperbole and a Half and their "Sneaky Hate Spiral." It's probably one of the funniest things I've read all week.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Mac Attack

Sunday, May 30, 2010
One Hot Mess
I had spent my afternoon watching a Home at the End of the World and getting buzzed on some Sauvignon Blanc that I picked up in Bordeaux, and I was feeling newly inspired to live eclectically. I ended up having 3 Mexican Bulldogs (at $12.00 each) before wandering out onto Whyte Avenue for some impromptu dancing.

European Graffiti
Please go see Exit Through the Gift Shop, it's probably one of the best movies I've seen all year.

Friday, May 28, 2010
Le Snobisme
Nowadays, I feel so unsettled, like I'm rootless. I don't really have strong relationships with anyone simply because I only see most people about four times a year and have terrible time keping in touch with old friends. My concept of home has become a "grey area." I have a hard time feeling grateful anytime I have a change of scenery. On top of that, I'm constantly poor, which kinda sucks. Bourgeois kids just aren't raised to have budgets and make sacrifices.
These uncomfortable feelings really bitch-slapped me in the face a few days ago. I got in a fight with my parents after they let my brother drive the family truck to the U of Alberta campus to drop off his writing portfolio, while I took the bus there just two hours earlier to do homework. My mom got mad a t me and awkwardly described me a "Toronto Snob who intentionally acted like he wasn't part of the family." She apologized almost immediately and has been especially nice to me since then, waking up early to make me breakfast smoothies and letting me drive her Toyota.
To be honest though, it didn't really offend me. Well, the part about hating my family offended me, but I actually took the "Toronto Snob" name as a compliment. I've never actually lived in the city, but I wouldn't hesitate to pack up and go there after my undergrad. But whyyy you might ask???
Well for starters, Toronto is actually a city. Edmonton might legally be a city, but it's not actually a city. Relatively speaking, Edmonton is small. Only a million people are brave enough to live this far north, and for some reason they all feel they need to live on a half-acre of cheap land and still have a 20-minute commute as their reward. Our only claim to fame is a shopping mall, a decrepite shrine to capitalism and over-consumption. And it's not even a nice mall......
On the other hand, Toronto has a lot going for it. It's Canada's largest city and one of the most multicultural cities in the world. They actually consider social progress and sustainable living to be a good thing, rather than some toxic evil that's just going to make it harder to drive your Hummer H2 to work.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The City of Lights
The view from my apartment window=magnifique!
I left feeling a little jealous that I wasn't living in such a beautiful city and the birthplace of modern democracy, in a country where people are entitled to two-hour lunch breaks and five weeks of vacation. Some of my friends that have visited Paris have told me that they want to live there in the future, and I was starting to agree with them....
However, I think tourists seem to wear the thickest rose-colored glasses. Hell, I've had people who have visited Edmonton tell me that it's the best city in Canada? Before I could wallow in the reality that I'm trapped in miserable/white-washed St. Albert, while millions of people are living within a stone's throw of Champs d'Elysee, I hit up Wikipedia to learn what's really up in old Pareee. Here's what I discovered:
1. While North American cities are infamous for white flight and sprawling high-income suburbs, European cities are the polar opposite. Parisians will pay millions of their shitty currency to buy a 500-square-foot apartment on l'Avenue de la Grande Armee, while the banlieues (meaning "suburbs") contain some of the world's largest social housing projects for low-income immigrant families, which are beautifully referred to as les cités in French. These poor living conditions came to light to much of the world during the 2005 riots in Paris' northeastern suburbs. (On a side note: If you can understand French, try and find a copy of La Haine, it does a pretty good job of showing life in les banlieues).
2. Their currency is worth as much as dog poop, thanks to Greece. (On a side note: I actually predicted this in a term paper I wrote for a Poli Sci class four years ago and got like a 75. Thank god for appeals...)
3. Nobody in Paris recycles, like actually nobody. I'm pretty sure I only saw one recycling bin during my entire visit. On top of that, nobody picks up their doggy dooty (And you think they would, seeing as they can now buy their morning baguette and pack of Marlboros with it).
4. French people are actually kinda racist. While Canada is trying to attract as many skilled immigrants as possible, immigration to France is becoming heavily restricted. As the nice French lady that sat beside me on the plane explained to me: They have some of the best social programs in the world. Why would they want an influx of newcomers to ruin them? Meanwhile, their "world-class" schools won't let students wear articles of clothing that reflect their religious beliefs while they teach them about the "positive consequences" of French colonialism.
5. Paris actually does smell bad, like a musty/mothbally urine smell, probably from all the dog poop.
Great, I feel slightlyyy better about not missing my flight back to frigid northern Alberta....
Monday, May 10, 2010
Hard Knock Life

Back to work for the 2nd week of like, 16? At least I’m finally doing real work, which makes it much less painful to read incoming interview offers from firms that I applied to months ago. I’ve seriously gotten at least 4 emails from different municipalities since starting my job. I mean, who actually waits until mid-May to hire summer students? Oh wellz…I’m actually starting to enjoy my job now. I’m working on environmental assessments with this super chill Environmental Scientist. She pretty much gave me total control of the project. I even get to contact clients, which is something that the folks in Planning and Landscape would have never even considered last year. The other co-ops are awesome too. Lunch breaks are actually ten times better when you spend them conversing with other people and playing cards, rather than mindlessly creeping Facebook and OMG-UW.
I’ve officially been on the ‘tane for a week now. In that week, I went on a three-day binge and gained 4 pounds (which I lost by literally spending the entire weekend doing p90x and watching documentaries about the obesity epidemic while working out on my exercise bike), my entire face dried out and then broke out, and I’ve had the most bizarre dreams. I’ve heard of people having night terrors while on isoretinoins, but my dreams have just been really weird. For example, after spending yesterday with my mother, I had this dream where she vividly told me that I was her toughest experience in parenting because I was a Student Works Franchisee. It didn’t even make sense. I had an even weirder dream on Saturday night, where my friend from high school transferred to Laurier Business, and then we both dropped out to start a daycare. Sure, these dreams don’t have dragons or take place in Nazi Germany (which is literally where half my dreams take place), but they felt really real. I actually remember every detail from them, and when I woke up I still didn’t realize they were fictitious.
It's probably an early symptom of schizophrenia or something…
"And we’re just like how Rousseau depicts man in the state of nature: We’re underdeveloped, we’re ignorant, we’re stupid....
but we’re happy."
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Ignorance is Bliss
"If you are not doing needles and you are not gay, you wouldn’t get AIDS probably, that’s the bottom line."
The Grind

I made the mistake of telling my father this morning that I hated working, and he took it really personally. It’s not that I hate my job, I just hate working. And I’m pretty sure 95% of the world is on the same page as me. Like, if someone handed me a cheque for a billion dollars, the first thing I would do would be to quit my job. Wouldn't everyone?
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Les P'tits Canards

Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Shit in Gear
However, today was a very productive visit to the doctor's office. While lazing forever in his office, my doctor/former Student Works Painting client randomly stormed into the room, looked at me and said, "You need Accutane." FINALLY!!! I've literally been waiting for years for the day when my doctor finally prescribed this miracle drug to me. Sure, it can potentially cause liver damage and eczema, but it will make me look pretty again! Yes, I'm aware that that's a very shallow thing to say, but my pulchritude (meaning "beauty") is at stake!
On a less health-related note, I saw The Runaways yesterday. It was actually really good, even though it only got a 62 on Rotten Tomatoes. Seeing Dakota Fanning as a coked-out trainwreck pretty much made my week. Here's the preview if you've never heard of it:
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Back to Where I Came From
Canada really is beautiful….desolate, but beautiful. After two years of being consumed by the ideas of people like Rachel Carson and Jane Jacobs, I was under the impression that most of Canada’s natural landscape had been reworked or destroyed altogether. As soon as I left the Greater Toronto Area, I hardly saw any signs of civilization for most of my trip. I packed my new Nikon with photos of shimmering lakes and the bits of the Canadian Shield. Here are some of my fave photos:

Before embarking on my epic cross-country tour, I got the chance to have dinner and shop with some of the old SPUC crew. It was a really great way to spend my last night in South ON.
I managed to take this picture from my train window with only my 18-55mm lens. I love this picture because it shows how, before the time of hardcore setbacks and development standards, people in “bush communities” would build right up to the railway tracks, almost as if it would help their town reap the benefits of rail traffic passing through.

Overall, the weekend-long trip was a good experience that I definitely do not regret. However, I honestly don’t think I’ll ever do it again.
P.S: Did you know there’s MSG in Cheese Nips? Yeah, I found that out the hard way…
“You don’t belong to people forever.”
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010
One More Time...

Friday, April 16, 2010