Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Soo, I decided to go back to Cambridge Architecture yesterday. Once again, only one trainer could be persuaded into making the trip, so I was happy to co-facilitate one final Architecture session. As usual, it went fantastically well. My one disappointment is that there was no thank you card or pretty bonus cheque waiting at the office for me the next day.

Oh, the trials of being under-appreciated.

My co-facilitator and I kinda rushed through the session so we could make it back to Waterloo for FRANK WARREN. Yes, the Frank Warren of came to UW last night. It was incredible. At one point, he opened up to the audience and asked people to share their secrets. I was expecting the cheezy "I'm in love with my best friend" and "I'm so tired of school" secrets, but not the ones shared by some of my classmates. I was both shocked and saddened. After the event, Frank sent a link to all the attendees for a "special archive" of never-before-seen secrets. I have yet to digest all of them, but here's one of my faves:

I'm leaving Waterloo tomorrow and I feel that this secret parallels a lot of what I'm experiencing in my own life. I really wanted to stay at school for the summer, but I'm trying to stay positive and think about all the exciting adventures that await me back in Edmonton. To start, I'm taking the train back. How fuckin' awesome is that?

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