Given that my exams are completely finished, I decided to go shopping. And I'm doing some hella intense shopping. First, I bought a new pair of high-top Lakai's at Soho Sneaker Shop in Uptown. I personally think they're beautiful. Then, I bought spraypaint. Why you may ask? To redo my old pair of Lakai's. A classmate of mine spray-paints his shoes whenever he gets tired of them, so I figured I'd give it a try. I'm going all-out with firey neon orange.
After buying spray paint, I decided to treat myself with a delicious waffle cone at DQ. While relaxing on the patio outside, an old man wandered over and asked why I was eating alone. I nonchalantly replied, "Everyone I know has exams." He then sat down and began to tell me about his days as an undergrad. Now, I originally found this a little uncomfortable. Old people say hello to me a lot, but have never proceeded to join me while I try to enjoy my fatty ice cream. However, this guy seemed harmless and so I decided to chat him up. We talked for literally an hour about the most random topics, like poetry, brutalist architecture and health-care reform. He suggested this book of 1940's poetry by an anthologist named Untermeyer (?) that I'm seriously going to look up. It turns out, this guy is a priest at the college beside my school. Usually, my seething militant atheism tends to discourage religious people from talking to me, so I'm happy we were able to have such a great conversation.
Anyways, this conversation inspired me to live more passionately. I left Dairy Queen and headed over to Bent's Photography, which is this cute little camera shop in Uptown Waterloo. A co-trainer once told me about how she went in there looking for a used camera, and the owner offered her a free one on the condition that she "pay it forward" with one random act of kindness. I mean, how cute is that?! After chatting with a salesman for a few minutes, I decided to take the plunge and buy a Nikon D3000 Digital SLR, my new baby. Altogether it came to $650, which is a lot when you're current monthly income is $50. I'm already starting to take trendy photos, including this one of my favourite building in my neighbourhood, the Seagram Lofts.
Prints of this beauty are only $500
I'm so stoked to get good at photography, but not until I'm finished fulfilling my duties as a consumer. I've randomly decided to take the commuter bus into Toronto tomorrow morning and spend the remainder of my tax return cheque! It'll also be a goodbye of sorts to the city before my train takes me home next Thursday.
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