Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back to Where I Came From

The trip back to Edmonton was soo long. Three days without showering or sleeping in an actual bed feels more like weeks. I left the train feeling smelly and haggard, like the homeless people that chill outside of Toronto City Hall.

Canada really is beautiful….desolate, but beautiful. After two years of being consumed by the ideas of people like Rachel Carson and Jane Jacobs, I was under the impression that most of Canada’s natural landscape had been reworked or destroyed altogether. As soon as I left the Greater Toronto Area, I hardly saw any signs of civilization for most of my trip. I packed my new Nikon with photos of shimmering lakes and the bits of the Canadian Shield. Here are some of my fave photos:

Before embarking on my epic cross-country tour, I got the chance to have dinner and shop with some of the old SPUC crew. It was a really great way to spend my last night in South ON.

I managed to take this picture from my train window with only my 18-55mm lens. I love this picture because it shows how, before the time of hardcore setbacks and development standards, people in “bush communities” would build right up to the railway tracks, almost as if it would help their town reap the benefits of rail traffic passing through.

Downtown Winnipeg: Don't let the amusement park in the foreground fool you, as this is probably one of the loneliest cities I've ever visited. Wandering through the downtown core, I literally saw three people. The only restaurant I could find after twenty minutes of walking was a Tim Horton's.

Overall, the weekend-long trip was a good experience that I definitely do not regret. However, I honestly don’t think I’ll ever do it again.

P.S: Did you know there’s MSG in Cheese Nips? Yeah, I found that out the hard way…


“You don’t belong to people forever.”

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