Then, I figured, seeing as I was already going to be late for the third day in a row, the least I could do was get my morning cup of Pike to make this miserable day slightly more enjoyable. Of course, when God is on a revenge streak, he doesn’t stop at 7:30 in the morning. I got stuck with the new girl, or Barista-in-training, at Starbucks, who interpreted "no room for cream" as a half-full cup of coffee. Being in a pissy mood already, the last thing I wanted to do was complain. So I just left, figuring I could top it off at work with some of that nasty Van Houtte “Hawaiian Islands” blend that they’ve overstocked in my break room.
AND THEN, after arriving at work at the punctual time of 8:20, I received an email from Accounts Payable letting me know that my mega-expense claim, the one that literally took me an hour to put together, was rejected. Apparently, I forgot to subtract a $2.00 charitable donation from one my receipts.
Gah, I knew I would regret donating to Wal-mart’s Special Olympics Fund…..
OH AND THEN, to make myself feel better, I made the fully rational decision to binge on the leftover pastries that the Friday Donut Club didn’t feel like eating. Helloo, Tubsy....

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