Monday, July 12, 2010

Just Another Day at the Office....

So I was lucky enough to head off to Japser for work on Friday. I'm pretty sure it was my first field assignment without any complications: no collisions with wildlife, no contractor issues, nothing! It was definitely a nice change of pace from the office.

I've been feeling a little burned out lately. With work and all the shit I have left to accomplish before heading back to Waterloo, I feel like I haven't really had a summer vacation. On top of that, my favourite little fugitive, Colton Harris-Moore, was captured today after a high-speed boat race in Barbados! Soo sad.

I decided to turn down all my plans for Saturday night so I could have little me time and attempt to work on my extensive to-do list. My dad ended up taking me out for dinner and I drank a little too much wine, so I didn't really get anything accomplished. Then, the regret sunk in the morning after, as I creeped through my friends' Facebook pictures from the night before. Life is just chalk full of little dilemmas....

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