Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bitches Runnin' Wild

My happiness wave came to a crashing halt today at work. Some guy that the company is trying to recruit was making the rounds and introduced himself at my cubicle today and asked what I was studying at Waterloo. Now, typically, I'll get the "Urban Planning! I wish I did something like that instead of civil engineering!" or the more recent "I can't believe our new Governor-General is from Waterloo!" both of which do a great job at stroking my ego. But no, this guy decided to jump into this five-minute long anecdote about how his childhood friend took Urban Planning at SAIT Polytechnic (which isn't even a university) and how she never found a job after graduation, so she decided to become a "communications expert." All I could say was, "Thanks? That's great to know...."

Rather than stew in anger and frustration, my anxiety kicked in and I literally spent the rest of the morning checking the unemployment rate for urban planners. Luckily, this d-bag is also very uninformed, as planners still have a lower unemployment rate than architects, our arch-nemeses.

Fortunately, karma rewarded me for holding back my desire to strangle someone and I'm being sent to Jasper for a day-trip do literally 10 MINUTES (yes, just ten minutes) of work! I'm actually driving 7 hours to Maligne Lake (expenses, mileage, overtime and $51 per diem included) to take pictures of this contractor while he fills in a hole the size of my desk, fun times...

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