Friday, June 4, 2010


It's Friday! Only 8 more hours of work until I'm unleashed from my tiny cubicle. I'm definitely looking forward to getting out of the city this weekend and getting shit-faced on an empty beach up North. Meanwhile, my parents are going to some Alberta PC Party "Lobster Boil Fundraiser" tonight. I told them not to bother going, seeing as they'll probably be the only people there. My Mom looked confused and said, "Of course there's gonna be other people, who doesn't like lobster?"
My summer is starting to pan out into something not-so-shitty. I found out yesterday that one of my closest friends at school will be joining me for drunken shenanigans in Las Vegas in August, which brings the total number of people in my wolfpack to 7! On top of that, I found out that I will most likely be volunteering at the Edmonton Folk Music Festival, which means free tickets to Ben Harper, Van Morrison, Dala, Colin Hay and tons of other bands! Finally, I actually had no clue that Eclipse, the next Twilight movie, is actually coming out in a month! IN IMAX!!!!!111 I know I probably sound like the biggest tool right now, but Twilight is actually my biggest guilty pleasure. I think I watched the first movie at least a dozen times. If you haven't seen the movies or read the books, just watch the first 15 minutes of Twilight. It plays with your emotions and insecurities and you'll seriously be hooked.

Can you say midnight screening with a theatre full of 12-year olds?

If you're bored and need a good laugh, I strongly suggest you check out Hyperbole and a Half and their "Sneaky Hate Spiral." It's probably one of the funniest things I've read all week.

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