Sunday, May 30, 2010

One Hot Mess

Apparently, getting trashed on expensive drinks is becoming a cherished hobby of mine. Some friends and I went to Julio's Barrio last night (aka the best Mexican food in Edmonton) to celebrate a friend's birthday. After hearing that it would be an hour for a table, a friend and I decided to fuck everyone and get saucy at the bar.

I had spent my afternoon watching a Home at the End of the World and getting buzzed on some Sauvignon Blanc that I picked up in Bordeaux, and I was feeling newly inspired to live eclectically. I ended up having 3 Mexican Bulldogs (at $12.00 each) before wandering out onto Whyte Avenue for some impromptu dancing.
Me sipping on a delicious Bulldog at my 19th.

I had an amazing heart-to-heart with an old friend from high school out on the street, and he told me I looked "hipster skinny." It was probably the best compliment I've gotten in a longgg time.

Minus doing questionable things involving questionable substances, and calling my 16-year old sister to pick me up, it was a good night.


  1. Hilarious pic! Um, a friend and you 'decided to fuck everyone?' lol that must of taken a while!
    Looks like a fun, drinking sure is super expensive now huh?

  2. Bahaha! I meant that that we decided to ditch everyone! Lol! =P
