Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Grind

It’s back-to-work time! I looaathe this time of year: the early commutes, the 8-hour workdays, my empty cubicle, the strange parallels between my work and the stuff on Office Space. This year is a little different though. Unlike last summer, the firm actually hired multiple summer students. Although they’re all chummy from school, they’re still awesome! We get together everyday for lunch and to "discuss" about the mind-numbing tasks assigned to us. One of the things I was always envious about my friends in co-op was the friendships they made during their work terms. In my department last year, it seemed everyone was so cliquey, or just never took the time to chat with me because they were so career-driven. So, it's been a nice change this year.

I made the mistake of telling my father this morning that I hated working, and he took it really personally. It’s not that I hate my job, I just hate working. And I’m pretty sure 95% of the world is on the same page as me. Like, if someone handed me a cheque for a billion dollars, the first thing I would do would be to quit my job. Wouldn't everyone?


  1. Ewww office work blows big ones! I did that for a few years and when I saw office space it inspired to get the hell outta there...well not really, i actually got laid off but that was the happiest day of my life and i never looked back!

    I have read a bunch of your posts and will now stalk you in a friendly blogger way...see, today is random search day for me where i just pick an obscure thing that I like and see if anyone else likes it and if their blog doesn't suck, then I get to follow it...i like this approach, i get to see lots of really wacked off the grid kind of blogs this way. And this is how I got to find your little gem of a blog ;o) Plus you are from Canada Eh? I am too although I am living in Thailand at the present time, I love it here but get homesick from time to time.

    So, today's random search was to see if there were any other people out there who had the movie Synecdoche as their favourite. I wanted to see what kind of bloggers liked it because everyone I know hated that movie or didn't get it yet I was so inspired by it as I am with all of Kauffman's movies. There are only 150 people who have this movie as their favourite either that or only 150 people can spell it, either way...can you believe that?

    So, your profile was one of the first to come up and you and I totally like the same kind of movies and books...I know that's a superficial way to start up a blogging friendship but hey, where else are you going to start?
    I think you are doing a great job with your site and I am looking forward to reading more soon.
    If you like, you can check out my site if you like it follow, if not, no worries.
    Take care, I look forward to stalking you some more soon!

  2. Nope, I'd probably keep working at least to some degree. I find when I stop my life starts to lose purpose and I get really bored.

  3. Buuuut, wouldn't you say that if you never had to worry about money or bills, you could do whatever you wanted with your life. Like, if you wanted to go to Nairobi and volunteer for Habitat for Humanity for the rest of your life?

  4. I'd keep in my job. I'd just not worry about making a living one it, probably.

    ps: nice blog, by the way.
