Saturday, August 14, 2010

Uh, excuse me?

It's official. I've come undone.

I've literally put in about 10 hours worth of overtime this week (pro bono) and actually went into the office today (which is in fact a Saturday) to "catch up on some stuff." I think I'm turning into my father. This is all coming as a shock to me. Not even a month ago, my day consisted of archiving old reports while watching Michael Moore documentaries in another window. It seems that as soon as the other summer students left on their own adventures, people have nowhere else to turn for "cheap and effective" labour.

I'm definitely not complaining though. I hate being stressed, but after the always-a-dull-moment summer I've been having, it's kinda refreshing to feel like you're unravelling a little. Will keep you posted...

Monday, August 9, 2010


Does it ever seem like life shoots you up just to see you crash and burn?....


On a side note, my exam went well, along with my Folk Fest weekend. =)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Love this, Part 6?

Quite possibly one of my new fave PostSecret's:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

August is here.

Okay, my month of insanity starts......NOW!

August 4th: Folk Fest Opener--Van Morrison at Gallagher Park

August 5th: Work Roadtrip--Driving down to Central Alberta to draw pictures of contaminated sites... =/

August 5th-8th: We Be Jammin'--Folk Festing (for free) all weekend

Augsut 7th: R.I.P. PHIL 145--Early morning final exam at NAIT

August 7th: Second Nighthawks Shift---My reunion with my bed made of a patio chair and a stack mik-crates

August 14th: The Longest Night--Third and final Nighthawks shift

August 24th: 21 Candles

August 26th: Gagaloo--The Monster Ball Tour hits Edmonton =)

August 27th: My Very Last TGIF--Summer work is ovahhh!

August 27th: YEG to YYJ--My epic B.C. roadtrip starts with Victoria.

August 28th: Surfs Up!--Tofino for the weekend.

August 30th: Road Trippin'--The drive back to Edmontown makes a few stops in Vancouver and Kelowna.

September 4th: SONIC BOOM--Weezer, the Arkells, Cold War Kids, Rise Against, and Mother Mother

Septbember 5th: YEG to YYZ--Return to trip to my lovely T.O.

Septbember 7th: Possible mini-trip to NYC??